Wersja z: / Version of:

Grzegorz Jagodziński

Nieregularności w ortografii angielskiej — Irregularities in the English spelling

Alfabet fonetyczny IPA – International Phonetic Alphabet

Angielskie samogłoski, dwugłoski, trójgłoski, sonanty: wariant brytyjski – English vowels, diphthongs, triphthongs, sonants: the British variant: [iː ɪ e æ ɑː ɒ oː ʊ uː ʌ ɜː ə eɪ ɑɪ aʊ əʊ ɛə ɑɪə aʊə n̩̩ l̩]

Angielskie samogłoski, dwugłoski, trójgłoski, sonanty: wariant amerykański – English vowels, diphthongs, triphthongs, sonants: the American variant: [ɪ ɛ æː ɑ ɑː ɔ ɔː o ʊ ʌ ə ɚ ɪj eɪ ɑɪ aʊ ɔʊ ʊw n̩̩ l̩]

Angielskie spółgłoski – English consonants: [p b f v m w t d s z n l ɹ tʃ dʒ ʃ j k g ŋ h]

Znaki akcentu – Stress marks: [ˈ] [ˌ]

Znaczenie liter i ich kombinacji
Meaning of letters and their combinations

Sposoby zapisu dźwięków
Methods of writing sounds

  Br US przykłady – examples
a [ɪ] [ə] baggage, luggage, pirate
[æ] [æː] baggage, blackguard, fashion, gnat, handbag, handkerchief, have, lamb, salmon
[ɑː] [ɑ] father
[ɑː] [ɑː] psalm
[ɒ] [ɑ] yacht
[oː] [ɔː] talk, water
[ə] advice
[eɪ] behaviour, hate, information
ai [eɪ] straight
air [ɛə(ɹ)] [ɛɹ] air, hair
ar [ɑː] [ɚ] blackguard
[ə(ɹ)] [ɚ] sugar
aw [oː] [ɔː] gnaw
ay [ɪ] [ɪ(j)] Murray, Wednesday
b [b] baggage, blackguard, bomb, bread, burgher, business, handbag
[0] bomb, comb, debt, lamb, tomb
c [s] advice
[k] colonel, comb, cuff, cushion, direction, mnemonic, scoff
[0] indict, muscle
ch [tʃ] handkerchief, research
[0] yacht
ck [k] knock
[0] blackguard
d [d] advice, blackguard, bread, deaf, debt, direction, head, indict, Wednesday
[0] handbag, handkerchief, Wednesday
dg [dʒ] knowledge
e [ɪ] [ɪj] mnemonic, research s
[ɪ] business ‘profession’, equipment
[ə] behaviour, business ‘state’, knowledge, research v
[e] [ɛ] debt, direction, plegm, progress, Wednesday
[ə] equipment
[0] advice, colonel, furniture, give, gnome, hate, have, Holmes, home, kernel, knowledge, luggage, muscle, pirate, Wednesday
ea [e] [ɛ] bread, deaf, head, meant
ear [ɜː] [ɚ] research
ee [iː] [ɪj] knee
ei [e] [ɛ] heifer
[ɑɪ] gneiss
eir [ɛə(ɹ)] [ɛɹ] heir
er [ə] [ɚ] handkerchief
[ə(ɹ)] [ɚ] burgher, father, heifer, water
[ɜː] [ɚ] kernel
ew [juː] [ʊw] knew, news
ey [ɪ] [ɪ(j)] money
f [f] deaf, fashion, father, folk, furniture, handkerchief, heifer, information
ff [f] cuff, scoff, stiff
g [dʒ] baggage, luggage
[g] blackguard, give, handbag, progress, sugar
[0] gnat, gnaw, gneiss, gnome, phlegm
gg [g] baggage, luggage
gh [g] burgher, ghost
[0] night, straight
h [h] behaviour, hair, handbag, handkerchief, hate, have, head, heifer, Holmes, home
[0] heir, honour, hour
i [ɪ] [ɪ] business ‘state’, equipment, furniture, give, indict, information, mnemonic, stiff
[ə] direction*
[ɑɪ] advice, direction*, indict, night
[ɑɪə] [ɑɪ] pirate
[j] behaviour
[0] business ‘profession’, cushion, fashion
ie [iː] [ɪj] handkerchief*
[ɪ] handkerchief*
k [k] folk, handkerchief, kernel, talk, work
[0] knee, knew, knock, know, knowledge
l [l] blackguard, knowledge, lamb, luggage, phlegm
[l̩] colonel, kernel, muscle
[0] colonel, folk, Holmes, psalm, salmon, talk
m [m] bomb, comb, equipment, gnome, Holmes, home, information, lamb, meant, mnemonic, money, more, Murray, muscle, phlegm, psalm, salmon, tomb
[0] mnemonic
n [n] business, colonel, equipment, furniture, gnat, gnaw, gneiss, gnome, handbag, honour, indict, kernel, knee, knew, knock, know, knowledge, meant, mnemonic, money, news, night, salmon, Wednesday
[n̩] [ən] cushion, direction, fashion, information
[ŋ] handkerchief
o [ɒ] [ɑ] bomb, honour, knock, mnemonic
[ɔː] scoff
[uː] [ʊw] comb ‘valley’, tomb
[ʌ] money
[ɜː] [ɚ] colonel
[əʊ] [ɔʊ] comb ‘device’, folk, ghost, gnome, Holmes, home, progress
[ə] salmon
[0] colonel, cushion, direction, fashion, information
oar [oː(ɹ)] [oɹ] roar
oo [uː] [ʊw] zoo
or [oː(ɹ)] [oɹ] more
[ɜː] [ɚ] work
[ə] [ɚ] information
our [ə(ɹ)] [ɚ] behaviour, honour
[aʊə(ɹ)] [aʊɚ] hour
ow [ɒ] [ɑ] knowledge
[əʊ] [ɔʊ] know
p [p] equipment, pirate, progress
[0] psalm
ph [f] phlegm
q [k] equipment
r [ɹ] bread, direction, pirate, progress, research, roar, straight
s [s] ghost, muscle, psalm, research, salmon, scoff, stiff, straight
[z] business, Holmes, news
[ʃ] sugar
sh [ʃ] cushion, fashion
ss [s] business, gneiss, progress
t [t] debt, equipment, ghost, gnat, hate, indict, meant, night, pirate, stiff, straight, talk, tomb, water, yacht
[tʃ] furniture
th [ð] father
ti [ʃ] direction, information
u [ɪ] business
[ʊ] cushion, sugar
[ʌ] cuff, luggage, muscle
[w] equipment
[0] blackguard
ur [ɜː] [ɚ] burgher, furniture
[ə(ɹ)] [ɚ] furniture
urr [ʌɹ] [ɚ] Murray
v [v] advice, give, have
w [w] water, Wednesday, work
y [j] yacht
z [z] zoo
Br US   przykłady – examples
[iː] [ɪj] ee knee
ie handkerchief*
[ɪ] [ɪ] e business ‘profession’, equipment
i business ‘state’, equipment, furniture, give, indict, information, mnemonic, stiff
ie handkerchief*
u business
[ɪj] e mnemonic, research s
[ɪ(j)] ay Murray, Wednesday
ey money
[ə] a baggage, luggage, pirate
e behaviour, business ‘state’, knowledge, research v
i direction*
[e] [ɛ] e debt, direction, phlegm, progress, Wednesday
ea bread, deaf, head, meant
ei heifer
[æ] [æː] a baggage, blackguard, fashion, gnat, handbag, handkerchief, have, lamb, salmon
[ɑː] [ɑ] a father
[ɑː] a psalm
[ɚ] ar blackguard
[ɒ] [ɑ] a yacht
o bomb, honour, knock, mnemonic
ow knowledge
[ɔː] o scoff
[oː] [ɔː] a talk, water
aw gnaw
[oː(ɹ)] [oɹ] oar roar
or more
[ʊ] u cushion, sugar
[uː] [ʊw] o comb ‘valley’, tomb
oo zoo
[juː] [ʊw] ew knew, news
[ʌ] [ʌ] o money
u cuff, luggage, muscle
[ʌɹ] [ɚ] urr Murray
[ɜː] [ɚ] ear research
er kernel
o colonel
or work
ur furniture
[ə] [ə] a advice
e equipment
o salmon
[ɚ] er handkerchief
or information
[ə(ɹ)] [ɚ] ar sugar
er burgher, father, heifer, water
our behaviour, honour
ur burgher, furniture
[eɪ] a behaviour, hate, information
ai straight
[ɑɪ] ei gneiss
i advice, direction*, indict, night
[əʊ] [ɔʊ] o comb ‘device’, folk, ghost, gnome, Holmes, home, progress
ow know
[ɛə(ɹ)] [ɛɹ] air air, hair
eir heir
[ɑɪə] [ɑɪ] i pirate
[aʊə(ɹ)] [aʊɚ] our hour
[p] p equipment, pirate, progress
[b] b baggage, blackguard, bomb, bread, burgher, business, handbag
[f] f deaf, fashion, father, folk, furniture, handkerchief, heifer, information
ff cuff, scoff, stiff
ph phlegm
[v] v advice, give, have
[m] m bomb, comb, equipment, gnome, Holmes, home, information, lamb, meant, mnemonic, money, more, Murray, muscle, phlegm, psalm, salmon, tomb
[w] u equipment
w water, Wednesday, work
[ð] th father
[t] t debt, equipment, ghost, gnat, hate, indict, meant, night, pirate, stiff, straight, talk, tomb, water, yacht
[d] d advice, blackguard, bread, deaf, debt, direction, head, indict, Wednesday
[s] c advice
s ghost, muscle, psalm, research, salmon, scoff, stiff, straight
ss business, gneiss, progress
[z] s business, Holmes, news
z zoo
[n] n business, colonel, equipment, furniture, gnat, gnaw, gneiss, gnome, handbag, honour, indict, kernel, knee, knew, knock, know, knowledge, meant, mnemonic, money, news, night, salmon, Wednesday
[n̩] [ən] n cushion, direction, fashion, information
[l] l blackguard, knowledge, lamb, luggage, phlegm
[l̩] l colonel, kernel, muscle
[ɹ] r bread, direction, pirate, progress, research, roar, straight
[tʃ] ch handkerchief, research
t furniture
[dʒ] dg knowledge
g baggage, luggage
[ʃ] s sugar
sh cushion, fashion
ti direction, information
[j] i behaviour
y yacht
[k] c colonel, comb, cuff, cushion, direction, mnemonic, scoff
ck knock
k folk, handkerchief, kernel, talk, work
q equipment
[g] g blackguard, give, handbag, progress, sugar
gg baggage, luggage
gh burgher, ghost
[ŋ] n handkerchief
[h] h behaviour, hair, handbag, handkerchief, hate, have, head, heifer, Holmes, home
[0] b bomb, comb, debt, lamb, tomb
c indict, muscle
ch yacht
ck blackguard
d handbag, handkerchief, Wednesday
e advice, colonel, furniture, give, gnome, hate, have, Holmes, home, kernel, knowledge, luggage, muscle, pirate, Wednesday
g gnat, gnaw, gneiss, gnome, phlegm
gh night, straight
h heir, honour, hour
i business ‘profession’, cushion, fashion
k knee, knew, knock, know, knowledge
l colonel, folk, Holmes, psalm, salmon, talk
m mnemonic
o colonel, cushion, direction, fashion, information
p psalm
u blackguard

* Jeden z wariantów wymowy – One of pronunciation variants

n is silent in hymn
o is silent in leopard, jeopardy
p is silent in pneumatic, cupboard, receipt
q(u) is silent in lacquer
r is silent in myrrh, catarrh
s is silent in isle, aisle, viscount, mess
t is silent in often, thistle, fasten, mortgage
u is silent in build, guild, plague
w is silent in whole, write, sword
y is silent in prayer, mayor
z is silent in rendezvous

a: [ei] in hating, [a:] in father, [o:] in water, [e] in many, [æ] in hat, [o] in want, [] in brilliant, [e] in various, [i] in village

ae: [i:] in minutiae, [e] in aerial, [ei] in Israel

ai: [ei] in sail, [e] in said, [æ] in plait, [eii] in dais, [ai] in aisle, [aii:] in naive

ao: [ei] in gaol, [eio] in chaos, [u] in pharaoh

au: [ei] in gauging, [a:] in aunt, [o:] in haul, [u] in chauffeur, [o] in laurel

aw: [o:] in awful

ay: [ei] in pray, [e] in says

e: [i:] in be, [i] in pretty, [e] in let, [] in open

ea: [i:] in heal, [ei] in great, [i] in guineas, [e] in head, [i:æ] in react, [i] in area, [i:ei] creator

eau: [u] in beau, [ju:] in beautiful

ee: [i:] in feet, [i] breeches

ei: [i:] in conceive, [ei] in veil, [i] in forfeit

eo: [i:] in people, [u] yeoman, [i] in galleon, [e] in leopard, [] in dungeon, [i:] in theologian, [i:o] in theology

eu: [ju:] in feud, [i:ju:] in reunion

ew: [u] in sew, [u:] in brew, [ju:] in new

ey: [i:] in key, [ei] in they, [i] in turkey, [ai] in eying

i: [i] in sin, [ai] in bind, [j] in onion

ia: [] in parliament, [iei] in mediate, [i] in carriage, [aiei] in hiatus, [iæ] in triviality, [j] in Britannia

ie: [i:] in grief, [i] in sieve, [e] in friend, [ai] in lie, [i:i] in earliest, [ai] in science, [] in conscience

ieu: [u:] in lieu, [ef] (!) in lieutenant

iew: [ju:] in view

io: [] in motion, [iu] in mediocre, [io] in mediocrity, [ai] in violation, [aio] in ionic, [j] in million

o: [u] in go, [u:] in do, [i] in women, [o] in on, [] in son, [u] in woman, [] in colonel

oa: [o:] in broad, [u] in coal, [uei] in oasis, [uæ] in coagulate

oe: [i:] in foetus, [u] in doe, [u:] in shoe, [] in does, [ui] in poet

oeu: [u:] in manoeuvre

oi: [wa:] in chamois, [] in connoisseur, [oi] in noisy, [ui] in stoic, [u:i] in doing

oo: [u] in brooch, [u:] in brood, [] in flood, [u] in wood, [u:] in zoological, [u:o] in zoology

ou: [o:] in ought, [u] in soul, [u:] in soup, [o] in cough, [] in doubling, [u] in would, [au] in noun, [] in various

ow: [u] in know, [o] in knowledge, [au] in now

oy: [oi] in boy

u: [u:] in rule, [i] in busy, [e] in bury, [] in cut, [u] in pull, [ju:] in using, [w] in persuade

ua: [a:] in guard, [wei] in persuasion, [wa:] in guano

uay: [i:] in quay

ue: [u:] in true, [e] in guess, [u] in cruel, [ju] in duel

eue: [u:] in queue

ui: [i:] in mosquito, [u:] in fruit, [i] in build, [ai] in guiding, [wi] in languid, [wi:] in suite, [u:i] in fruition

uoy: [oi] in buoy

y: [i] in marry, [:] in myrrh, [ai] in fly

ye: [ai] in dye, [ai:] in hyena

[a:] a in father, au in aunt, ar in card, er in clerk, ear in heart, uar in guard

[e] a in many, ai in said, ay in says, e in let, ea in head, eo in leopard, ie in friend, u in bury, ue in guess

[i] e in pretty, ea in guineas, ee in breeches, ei in forfeit, i in pit, ia in marriage, ie in sieve, o in woman, u in busy, ui in build, y in physics, ey in money

[o] a in want, au in laurel, o in on, ou in cough, ow in knowledge

[u] o in woman, oo in wood, ou in would, u in bull

[æ] a in sat, ai in plait

[] u in humble, o in son, oe in does, oo in flood, ou in double

[i:] ae in minutiae, e in be, ea in each, eae in fleaed, ee in feet, ei in conceit, eo in people, ey in key, eye in keyed, oe in foetus, ie in grief, i in magazine, uay in quay, ui in mosquito

[o:] a in fall, aor in extraordinary, au in haul, aw in awful, or in fork, oa in broad, ou in ought

[u:] ew in brew, ewe in brewed, eu in rheumatic, o in do, oe in shoe, oeu in manoeuvre, oo in too, ooe in wooed, ou in soup, u in ruling, ue in true, ui in fruit, wo in two

[ai] a in naive, ai in aisle, ei in height, ey in eying, i in bind, ie in die, ui in guide, uy in buy, y in fly, ye in dye

[au] ou in noun, ow in cow, owe in allowed

[ei] a in mating, ai in pain, ao in gaol, au in gauging, ay in play, aye in played, ea in great, ei in veil, ey in they, eye in conveyed

[oi] oi in noisy, oy in boy, oye in enjoyed, uoy in buoy, uoye in buoyed

[u] ao in pharaoh, au in chauffeur, eau in beau, eo in yeoman, ew in sew, ewe in sewed, o in post, oa in oats, oe in doe, oo in brooch, ou in soul, ow in know

[] a in brilliant, eo in dungeon, io in cushion, o in motion, iou in conscious, oi in tortoise, eu in amateur, u in suffice, oa in cupboard, ou in viscous, e in condiment


b: [b] in be, mute in lamb

c: [k] in can, [s] in cell, [S] in special, mute in yacht

ch: [tS] in chain, [dZ] in spinach, [k] in architect, [S] in chef, mute in yacht

d: [t] in sucked, [d] in deep, [dZ] in soldier, mute in handkerchief

f: [f] in foe, [v] in of, mute in stiff

g: [dZ] in gem, [g] in geese, [Z] in rouge, mute in gnaw

gh: [p] in hiccough, [g] in ghost, [f] in laugh, mute in straight

h: [h] in hat, [] in eighth

j: [dZ] in just

k: [k] in kill, mute in know

l: [l] in lace, mute in salmon

m: [m] in am, mute in mnemonics

n: [n] in can, [] in finger, mute in hymn

p: [p] in pity, mute in cupboard

ph: [f] in philosophy, [p] in shepherd, [ph] in haphazard, mute in phthisical

qu: [k] in quay, [kw] in queen, mute in lacquer

r: [r] in ray, mute in myrrh

s: [s] in see, [z] in as, [S] in sugar, [Z] in vision, mute in isle

sh: [S] in shine, [sh] in mishap

t: [t] in toe, [S] in motion, mute in soften

th: [t] in thyme, [] in thigh, [] in the, [t] in eighth

v: [v] in veal

x: [z] in xylophone, [ks] in vex, [gz] in exalt, [k] in except

y: [j] in yard, mute in prayer

z: [ts] in pizza, [z] in zeal, [Z] in azure, mute in rendezvous

Źródła – Sources

Dalsza lektura – Further reading

Oto lista innych artykułów autora, opublikowanych na tej witrynie i wiążących się z omawianymi tu zagadnieniami – Here is the list of other articles by the author which have been published on this website and connected with the matter discussed here:

Uwaga: Żaden z artykułów przedstawionych na tej witrynie nie ma formy ostatecznej. Wprowadzane są do nich zmiany i uzupełnienia, czasem drobne, czasem bardzo istotne.

Warning: None of the articles presented on this website has the final form. Changes and additions, sometimes small, sometimes very important, are being made to them.

Grzegorz Jagodziński









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